We arrived in Cincinnati in the afternoon on Tuesday and checked into East Fork Lake Campground. It is still off season, so most of the sites were empty – and no camp hosts were to be found. So, we selected a nice spot and set up camp:

I made pork quesadillas with leftover pork chops. I sautéed sliced onion and green pepper with Mexican seasoning, then stirred in chopped cooked pork and turkey sausage. I placed the filling in two flour tortillas and sprinkled it with some shredded cheddar cheese. I folded the tortillas in half around the filling, then sprayed them with olive oil and cooked them in a large skillet over medium heat until lightly brown. I flipped them and browned the other side. I cut them in half and served them with a spoonful of Greek yogurt and salsa, with a tossed salad along side. They turned out delicious – and so easy to make, on an RV stovetop! (Detailed recipe for Leftover Pork Quesadillas)


 The next day I was one of four featured authors speaking at the Assistance League of Cincinnati’s annual fundraiser – Books and Brunch. I was very honored to be in the company of (left to right in photo below) C.F. Payne (illustrator for Time Magazine, US News and many children’s books), Tammie Lyon (award winning illustrator and author of Olive and Snowflake), and Kim Edwards (NY Times best selling author of Memory Keeper’s Daughter):


We all spoke at the luncheon to the 350 attendees, and also signed books. A very successful day for A Well-Seasoned Kitchen!


That evening our good friends Reed and Sheila Schroeder came out to our campsite for our first Airstream dinner party! Camembert Sauté, Grilled Steaks with Dijon, Caper and Green Onion Sauce and Roasted New Potatoes with Truffle Oil – all from the cookbook – were the centerpiece of the dinner, served along side a tossed green salad. The potatoes needed to be roasted in foil on our grill, as we couldn’t get the gas oven in the airstream to light!


The next morning we headed over to the Schroeder’s Cincinnati home. Robert and Reed headed up north to the airstream factory in Jackson Center, Ohio, while Sheila and I prepared for the luncheon she was hosting the next day to introduce 20 of her friends to A Well-Seasoned Kitchen.  After a trip to Kroger’s, we started preparing the food.


That evening Sheila made a wonderful dinner of fresh pasta with grilled chicken, vegetables and pesto sauce.

The next day was the luncheon. A few final preparations:


Sheila set up three different lovely tables with beautiful flowers displayed in very creative arrangements:





The food was set up buffet style in the dining room. There were three different types of china, and the plate you chose determined what table you set at – very clever!


 The menu included:

Basil Lemonade:


Benedictine Canapés:


Jeanne’s Gazpacho:


Grilled Chicken and Green Bean Salad:


Parmesan Buttermilk Cornbread:


Strawberry and White Chocolate Heaven

(sorry, it was devoured before I managed to take a photo!)

Wonderful, fun, interesting ladies – who bought lots of books!


That evening we joined our new friend Pamela Reising for dinner at restaurant Jean Robert’s Table for dinner before going to see Les Miz. Pam’s niece Lydia and good friends Roxanne and Nadine also joined us. Dinner was fabulous – and the ambiance at the restaurant is wonderful. Our first courses included . . .

 House Salad: house_salad_john_robert

 Mussels Three Ways:


Veal Mac and Cheese:


 And yummy entrees included Vol au Vent of Lobster (photo didn’t turn out), Bacon Wrapped Salmon (again, Photo was blurry), Local Chicken Breast with Medley of Peas, Carrots and Radish:


Sweetbreads with Mushroom, Leek and Blue Cheese Quiche :


 and Halibut with Clam Nage and Parsley:


The production of Les Miz was over the top fabulous – one of the best touring productions I have ever seen and certainly the best of Les Miz I’ve ever seen. The quality of the cast, costumes, lighting, staging – everything! – was a 10 out of 10.

Saturday morning we went for a bike rid around the East Fork Lake campground:


We discovered this sign that might have helped Ted Kennedy had it been displayed on Chappaquiddick:


Saturday afternoon I was a guest on the radio show of Marilyn Harris, local foodie in Cincinnati, on 55KRC Talk Radio.  Pamela Reising made the introduction and came along with me. Marilyn is delightful – very knowledgeable and quite charming. Great fun talking about recipes, our cookbook and cooking ideas:



Saturday night was leftovers and packing up, getting ready to head home to Denver!




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About the author

Hi, I'm Lee.

I am inspired by my mother, Sally’s, love of cooking and entertaining to gather friends and family together over great meals and conversation. In fact, I held my first dinner party at the age of 16. Throughout the years, I’ve provided recipes, menu advice and cooking tips to friends seeking uncomplicated and delicious ideas for home entertaining.

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